Minor Rugby
U12 – Intro to Contact: 2013-2014
U10 – Flag: 2015-2016
U8 – Flag: 2017-2018
U6 – Flag: 2019-2020
U4 – Flag: 2021

Niagara Touch Rugby
Niagara Mixed Abilities Rugby
Niagara Legends Rugby
Non-Contact Rugby for All
New members are always welcome. Come see what The Niagara Rugby Club is all about whether you have played for many years or are just learning about the game of rugby for the first time. There is enough going on at the club year-round that being a Niagara Rugby club member offers the flexibility to compliment even the most rigorous schedules and time commitments.
Hit the “Get Registered” yellow button below to get your club membership started through the new RugbyCanada/RugbyOntario registration system. We have included some key information below to help you decide which membership plan is right for you.
We’ll see you out at training or at the next social event…just stay tuned to our:
It will redirect you to the Rugby Canada Online Registration powered by SportLomo. If you require more help registering, you can contact [email protected]
Home Field & TRAININGOur Facilities
Our Home Field
Niagara Falls (Thorold), L2H 2Y6